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December 1, 2022 Chapter Webinar

01 Dec 2022
December 1, 2022 Chapter Webinar

Join us for on Thursday, December 1, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET via Zoom for a discussion with David Rudel, Director of Association Events for Explori, and Ben Dunlap, Regional Vice President for Map Your Show, as they provide insight into topics that are relevant to today's exhibitions and events industry.

David Rudel
Director of Association Events
Data-Driven Strategies and Measuring Legacies

Ben Dunlap
Regional Vice President
Map Your Show
Leveraging Real-Time Reporting for a Better Show Experience

David will discuss data-driven strategies that event organizers can use to measure the impact and legacy they are creating, and Ben will discuss how show organizers can leverage real time reporting to create a better show experience for attendees and exhibitors.

This webinar is the first part of a two-part series brought to you over the next few months. The webinar is FREE to attend for IAEE SE Chapter members.

*Note that by registering for this webinar, your registration information will be provided to the presenters.